
Friday, May 15, 2009

Response to First Hair

Huffington Posts -Gioia Diliberto
Excerpt- Michelle's love of vivid color, bold prints, strong accessories and striking make-up, and her eagerness to wear frocks by young immigrant designers is a kind of apotheosis of African-American style, though to some blacks her style seems muted.

First Hair......
Give me a break Huffington Post
Let us not be derailed by harbouring an antagonistic view of what we have seen of the First Lady's hairstyle choices. What she has sported thus far has flattered her face, overall style and is consistent with the Mrs. Obama we are used to seeing. As an icon of style , grace and a revival of the beautiful nubian ( lady) woman I think the collective hairstyle choices are indeed appropriate and truly african american in their interpretation. Are we revoking her (african-american/black card) because of the absence of cornrows, locks, or a fro.

The press released about the first lady's style is indicative of the power of iconic titleship and how not only Mrs. Obama owns her style but is clearly changing the face of the view of African American and female politicians.

She is clearly saying, despite her choice of an off the shoulder brilliantly colored blouse vs. a white button up blouse with a knit cover-up the intellect is not bled through the colors the wit and compassion and commitment to her purpose as first lady. She has never once in her time in the white house been shaken. Trivial it seems to me to bog down press with colors of her nail polish and delve into seven page articles inundated with deletorious language and quips aimed at making a hypocrite of Mrs. Obama.

A brief kudos and ackowledgement of her style choice would suffice. A small

The duality of consciousness necessary for living in a STILL European Hegemonic society is finally being acknwoledged by the dominant culture and its members. I applaud the Obama family for making common the far too long misinterpreted beauty in Black. For the common thread being exposed is that the media has far too long exposed and highlighted the negative , perversion society always entitled Blacks in America. What is to be said for the hard working dear I say decent families that although mixed, nuclear, extended wrapped around thrown in a blender and shaken back out wade through the dysfunctional title placed on them by people like Daniel Patrick Moniyhans report on the state of Black America, and are awesome mavericks, and dynamic contributors to the fabric and stability of America.

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