
Monday, November 30, 2009

Quarter Life Crisis


I am hanging out with a guy who totally isn't for me ........I mean he's cute and all but I definitely need to be around a motivator as my procastination station is not conducive to a good

Monday, September 28, 2009

The sash has arrived !!!!!!!!

Its official ladies and gents. This morning on me speedy deparature from the house I whizzed past the mail box grabbed my pile of correspondence and jumped in a dollar cab.. Wiping the glisten from my brow I hurriedly flipped through the envelopes and ciruculars to embrace a yellow padded envelope beautifully addressed Ms. Alicia from Essence Paegents . ( screams!!!) Yippee skippee. I ripped off the top of the envelope to reveal my beautiful blue silver and white. whooo hoooo onward to the hard work.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Apartment Hunting in Brooklyn New York

Now back to the drawing board. ......

What a waste of money you all are . In January of this year (2009) I decided to rent out a family home /my childhood home. After a series of interviews and a bout with a not so suprising untruthful realtor. The home was fully occupied , relatives on one floor tenant/roommates on the other. Awesome deal done whooo!

Premature celebratory mood.

My Buffalo sous-sol happened to decide that everything under the sun would irk it and have it in the most terrible of moods. Which I could live with some people can be moody and miserable who cares pay your rent and I'd be fine. But of course it didn't. Buffalo decides to pay what it can when it wants and also demand repairs . lol ? BUFFALO can we say LEAVE.

On to the relatives ....So you're just going to live here and not pay rent and theeeen as if thats not insulting also have public Ali vs. Fraiser fights in the front yard. aaaaaad SCENE you need to leave too.

lASTLY , ilk smelling tenant please clean and febreeze your iiiillllk.

But now that all the antics have played themselves out the decision is to part ways with the circus and now to battle the exponentially insane rent prices and brokers fees to live in a rat trap and or toilet.

Why is everyone posting apartments on via Brokers . Brokers don't save you time and have no obligation to assist you after they put tenants in your home. So don't waste your time with them. And as a renter seeking a house you pay them at least a months rent for crap you would be able to find on your own had they not blocked acccess to that info.


Thursday, July 23, 2009

Transitioning from Relaxed to Natural

It has been three months since my last relaxer and I haven't a clue how to manage my hair without blowing it straight or curling up with a hot iron or flat iron.

I have however come across a wonderful cholesterol conditioner Tea tree cholesterol from organics it boasts the versatility of being a traditional conditioner as well as a leave -in if you only use a quarter sized dollop after washing the hair . I washed last night with the intentions of trying a Bantu Knot style but it was 1am lol and I decided to put a little olive oil hair polisher lightly through the damp hair finish writing a paper and went to bed once the two textured mane had finally air dried. My hair feels alot better after this deep conditioning session but wise I had to go with pulling it back loosely and throwing on a cute brown head band.

Hair health and feel ..... score of 10
Aesthetic beauty after air dry lol ...... not so much .

After work i'll go work out... spritz with a little infusium and water to liven it all up again detangle and Bantu knot ...for real this time.

we shall see.

Taking that Hair Journey - this morning stubbed toe on Demarcation line.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

In search of a new group of gal pals!!!

In a weird space lately. Moved back to Brooklyn NY in January this year and I have found it exceedingly difficult to find any gal pals to run the city with. :( No I am not close to my H.S friends as for whatever reason we all fell apart not that we'd been extra close to begin with. And of course I've only had co-workers who are so disgusted with their jobs that anything that reminds them about work after the obligatory 9 to 5 hours causes havoc on their psyches and they must retreat .

So its me and the shih tzu together as usual. Hanging out and walking around . I socialize with people I meet but I guess its rather tres taboo to exchange numbers with a female peer you aren't trying to come on to. ....Hmmmm

What's a gyal to do?

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Tenants Testing my patience.....

I sometimes wonder if I would simply throw rationale to the wind and say what is exactly on my mind if I would be better received by people. I am on a landlord journey taking over the responsiblity of a family home and it is at the very least exhausting on a daily basis.

Why I wonder would anyone choose to renegotiate a signed notarized lease? Why would anyone attempt to swindle there way out of timely rental payments if that is all that is required of them? Why would anyone choose to find flaws in what they have willing accepted as sufficient.

I am searching for clarity on these issues as it is driving me up the walls. What the hell is wrong with these people?

Friday, June 5, 2009


Dane Cook and your astute observations and clever descriptions of the everday tomfoolery is wonderful. Koodos and thank you for keeping me sane on these terrible rainy dark dank weekdays in my very own cubicle jail cell.

Laughing myself into a power nap!

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Feeling Great today

Having a glorious Tuesday Morning bright colored blouse to reflect my awesome mood. God is moving in me . AMEN . Feel like calling up so old friends just to check in . My faux sorors have helped me through alot so it's time to reconnect. Don't ignore my phone calls ladies I do know where you all live.

Plans for a Jacks 99cent store raid this afternoon. Rather excited. Going to finally get the house in order. Beautiful plants and clean floors all throughout .

Monday, May 18, 2009

Linda Cantello Hint Tinted Moisturizer shade 4!!!

Beautiful Beautiful Wonderful lovely lovely.

Thank You Cantello for the awesome hint tinted moisturizer in shade 4 . Just received my shipment and I am so excited that the quality of this product hasn't diminished since I tried it two years ago. This is an awesome alternative to the makeup , sticks, liquid foundations and heavier makeup choices out there for women. The formula is light and I find best if applied immediately after washing the face and using mild toner( the timing matters as moisturizers with spf in them tend to sit on closed pores rather than easily blend into the skin. I am not blemish free but the hint tinted moisturizer does provide nearly total coverae without giving the, over the top makeupy plastered look that can happen with a mildly overzealous application of liquid then powder foundation.

If you would like to treat yourself to spring makeup-cleaning drop this little beauty into your makeup case and roll with it .

Friday, May 15, 2009

Response to First Hair

Huffington Posts -Gioia Diliberto
Excerpt- Michelle's love of vivid color, bold prints, strong accessories and striking make-up, and her eagerness to wear frocks by young immigrant designers is a kind of apotheosis of African-American style, though to some blacks her style seems muted.

First Hair......
Give me a break Huffington Post
Let us not be derailed by harbouring an antagonistic view of what we have seen of the First Lady's hairstyle choices. What she has sported thus far has flattered her face, overall style and is consistent with the Mrs. Obama we are used to seeing. As an icon of style , grace and a revival of the beautiful nubian ( lady) woman I think the collective hairstyle choices are indeed appropriate and truly african american in their interpretation. Are we revoking her (african-american/black card) because of the absence of cornrows, locks, or a fro.

The press released about the first lady's style is indicative of the power of iconic titleship and how not only Mrs. Obama owns her style but is clearly changing the face of the view of African American and female politicians.

She is clearly saying, despite her choice of an off the shoulder brilliantly colored blouse vs. a white button up blouse with a knit cover-up the intellect is not bled through the colors the wit and compassion and commitment to her purpose as first lady. She has never once in her time in the white house been shaken. Trivial it seems to me to bog down press with colors of her nail polish and delve into seven page articles inundated with deletorious language and quips aimed at making a hypocrite of Mrs. Obama.

A brief kudos and ackowledgement of her style choice would suffice. A small

The duality of consciousness necessary for living in a STILL European Hegemonic society is finally being acknwoledged by the dominant culture and its members. I applaud the Obama family for making common the far too long misinterpreted beauty in Black. For the common thread being exposed is that the media has far too long exposed and highlighted the negative , perversion society always entitled Blacks in America. What is to be said for the hard working dear I say decent families that although mixed, nuclear, extended wrapped around thrown in a blender and shaken back out wade through the dysfunctional title placed on them by people like Daniel Patrick Moniyhans report on the state of Black America, and are awesome mavericks, and dynamic contributors to the fabric and stability of America.

Saturday, May 2, 2009

Amazing mainicure at SLICK ON 34TH &7TH AVE.

Devine experience at SLICK on 34th & 7th ave.

Wonderful service great attention to detail
A bit pricey but certainly service that's a cut above the rest.

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Monday, January 26, 2009

Entry Level Jobs with 5-7 experience required!

Maybe its just me but since when did entry-level mean seven years experience.
Is this the beauty of graduating whilst trying to maintain a stellar G.P.A meaning no real experience and then getting slapped with the intense eye opener that any position entry level will not accept your G.P.A as a get out of jail free card. One must demonstrate several years of experience. Sad but true.